March 31, 2023 3 min read
So, just as a quick refresher, testosterone is the primary male sex hormone responsible that plays a crucial role in male development, sexual function and reproduction, and overall health.
For various reasons, most notably aging, men’s levels steadily decline over the years. While it is a natural occurrence with age, we are seeing this decline amongst younger and younger men which could be of some concern and can negatively impact quality of life, at any age!
Some of the most common symptoms of LOW testosterone are:
Oftentimes these symptoms can be a combination of many or all rather than just one issue…
And that can be DEVASTATING to any man!!
So what are some things that we can do to stave off this decline and either raise existing low levels or maintain our normal healthy levels?
I’ve compiled a list here of several evidence-based methods that may help do just that!
These are the most common natural ways to help improve and maintain testosterone levels. There are other ways through supplementation like DHEA, pregnenolone, and D-aspartic acid, however before starting any of these or any forms of hormone replacement therapy, have a thorough consultation with your physician to see what’s the right approach for you and your situation.
I hope this helps and gives some direction on natural and effective ways to increase testosterone production to normal and healthy levels!
I know we all want to feel, look, and perform our best and proper hormone production/balance plays a HUGE role in achieving that!
Have a great weekend,
Kirk Parsley, M.D.