Where Is Your Sleep Muscle

August 15, 2022 2 min read

While this may seem like a silly click-bait title, there are actually 2 reasonable ways to answer this question. First, if we are talking about a metaphorical "muscle" that does the work needed to put you to sleep, then your sleep muscle would undoubtedly be the brain. More specifically, a couple of pathways in the brain that lead to the chemical changes that manifest the behaviors that we recognize as sleep (Stay tuned for more on that later).


However, if we want to talk about actual muscles, then my (most-likely unsatisfying) answer is this: every muscle in your body is a sleep muscle. What do I mean by that? Think about it this way: your muscles have been growing, molding, and remodeling themselves since you were conceived. When was the last time you saw a muscular 3 year-old? Your body doesn't do this by magic, it needs time to do all that work. The reason every muscle is a "sleep muscle" is that the best time to do that work is while you are asleep. 

All of the chemicals, nutrients and hormones in your body get together and repair the muscles that you have been using all day. Sometimes they are basically just sweeping up and restocking the shelves, just basic maintenance. If you work them really hard however, you actually damage them and completely exhaust their stored resources. your muscles don't actually get stronger, bigger or more enduring while you are using them; Just the opposite. 

The anabolic hormones that most people have heard about (Testosterone, Growth Hormone, etc.) are made and released when you first go to sleep. They are then used (along with lots of other stuff) to build muscles that can handle the workload that you put on them more easily. This is the ONLY time this is happening. You cannot get bigger, faster, smarter, or stronger, without good sleep. The better the sleep the better the results.


In fact, if you have fitness goals, the most important factor in achieving them is how well you sleep. Missing just a couple of hours of sleep can decrease muscle building hormones, and other resources, by 30%--which of course means 30% less improvement. Your 5 pound muscle gain goal just went down to 3.5 pounds. That minute you wanted to shave off of your running time just became 40 seconds. 


So, if you care about how well your muscles work, how big they are, or how long you'll be able to keep them, focus first on sleep. You still have to put in the work, but your work will be rewarded to a much higher extent. I'll go a step further and say this; if you aren't getting plenty of high quality sleep, you shouldn't even set any fitness goals. You'd be better off getting more sleep and exercising less because you aren't giving your body the opportunity to recover from the exercise you are getting.

I have designed a natural sleep supplement that will help ensure that you get better, deeper, more muscle building sleep. I'm not saying that everyone NEEDS my supplement, but I'm telling anyone who is serious that my product will help them achieve their goals.