Low Testosterone?

January 12, 2023 4 min read

If you happened to listen to my recent podcast with the legendaryJocko Willink then you heard me speak briefly on the relationship between sleep and testosterone production as well as some other methods to help restore healthy testosterone levels.

Since that podcast, I have had a number of folks reach out and ask if I could go into a bit more detail so I thought I would address it here for y'all and give you a quick rundown on how sleep and a few other tips can help you get into and/or maintain a healthy range!

Testosterone is mainly produced during our resting hours, most notably during the REM or deep sleep portion of our circadian rhythm and then steadily declines as the day progresses.

So getting adequate and high quality rest is paramount to healthy testosterone production in men.

Studies have shown that sleep deprivation and/or poor quality of sleep can drastically reduce the levels of testosterone the following day.

One study in particular exhibited that over the course of 7-8 days, healthy men who were restricted to 5.5 hours of sleep per night had an average DECREASE in testosterone production by a whopping 10-15%!

And that can put us at a massive disadvantage in our daily performance.

Physically, mentally, and sexually!

Testosterone is the primary driver for all male behavior and well-being.

Low testosterone has been linked to depression, muscle loss, low productivity, low libido, and low self confidence.

In some studies, low testosterone has also been linked to increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and possibly lower sperm count.

Can you see why maintaining HEALTHY levels of testosterone is so important?! 

So how can we get to and maintain those healthy levels?

Control what we can control. 

We currently have a plethora of contributing factors that are outside of our control.

Such as chemical exposure, natural aging processes, tech replacing much of our physical activity in the workplace or at home, and the stress of daily life. 

But we do have things we CAN control.

Daily exercise. A nutritious diet. Supplementation.

Our sleep is the one that we have most control over in my opinion.

Even when trying to eat healthy, we don’t know exactly what we are consuming in most cases and consistent exercise programs are not always easily adhered to due to the demands of our lives. 

However there are some general guidelines that may help improve our testosterone levels.

Dietary intake is a major player in testosterone production so as a general rule we want to be sure to have a healthy balance of protein, carbs and fats. 

Fats are our building block for hormone production so be sure to be including healthy fats in your diet. Sources such as olive oil, whole eggs, nuts, avocado and fish are all great sources!

Protein should be consumed in moderation. Too little or too much protein can both negatively impact testosterone production so aim for around .8g of protein per pound of body weight. Too much protein has actually been shown in studies to reduce testosterone production by up to 37%! Moderation is key.

Animal sources such as red meat, fish, chicken, and eggs have shown to be better in this arena than non-animal sources.

Carbohydrate intake is also important. High carb diets have shown to increase testosterone while low carb diets show a decrease in testosterone production (probably due to increased cortisol production). Stick to more complex sources such as oats, sweet potatoes, quinoa, fruit and veggies.

Physical activity also plays an important part in elevating testosterone!

Specifically with high intensity resistance training. 

Studies have shown both acute (short term) and chronic (long term) elevations in serum  testosterone concentration. 

To an even greater degree, compound lifts that use multiple muscle groups at once show a more significant increase in testosterone levels than isolation exercises (one body part).

Focus on the “Big 3” movements such as deadlifts, squats, and bench press to get those levels up!

Aim for 2-3 of these sessions per week not only to get a boost in testosterone but to drastically improve your overall health and wellness!

Proper supplementation may also play a pivotal role in our production.

Our poor diets and lifestyle often leave us deficient in the key building blocks for hormone production. Things like zinc, Vitamin D3, and magnesium have all been linked to testosterone production and all are commonly deficient in the general population. 

You can pick all of these up at your local grocery or supplement store. And two of these minerals are already included in my sleep supplement.

Which leads me back to Sleep.

Sleep is a foundational need in human existence that we all, to one extent or another, partake in daily. 

And as I mentioned before, during sleep (especially REM) is when our testosterone production and levels are at their peak. 

It goes without stating that if this is true, we need to prioritize our sleep in order to increase testosterone levels (as well as for just about every other process of human biology) to be able to look, feel, and perform at our best!

And Sleep Remedy has all the ingredients needed to get you into REM sleep FAST to kickstart your recovery and get your testosterone levels peaking at lightning speed.

Right now take advantage of ourLOW RETRO PRICES on any subscription order PLUS FREE SHIPPING and 110% Money-back guarantee!!!

There are many other contributing factors to optimal testosterone production, but the ones I have highlighted here are very simple and practical steps to get ahead of the game in attaining and maintaining healthy testosterone levels so you can live your best life!

I hope this helps clear up some of the confusion. 

Until next time,
