December 13, 2022 4 min read
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
But why?
Well for some it’s a wonderful time to spend with family.
For others it’s a wonderful time for cheer, love, spirituality and gratitude.
For some other folks it’s a wonderful time to receive gifts.
But for Me it is a wonderful time to GIVE!
They say this is the season for giving…and I have always been a giver.
And the older I get the more I find myself reflecting on aspects of my life.
I realize that mindful reflections of the past will be reflected in the future.
The past few years things have been evolving quickly.
We have all found ourselves facing life changing challenges that at times have felt impossible to overcome.
Attempting to navigate through the pandemic and our rapidly changing world has forced many of us to take a step back and evaluate who we are and what is truly important to us.
I’m no different.
I too had to look inward in order to find my own purpose.
To reflect on why I began this journey.
And to recognize what areas I have fallen short in and where I can improve.
Self-awareness is the key to growth.
In every area of life.
Now, this isn’t about all the things I have done right or wrong in my past. It is about how my reflections and realizations can help you the same way they have helped me.
Especially in times that will continue to test every aspect of our being,
How using the past (the good, the bad, and the ugly) can connect us to a positive future.
Right now you are wondering where this is going…I promise it will make sense, but first you need to understand what makes me…ME.
To many I am a former SEAL.
To others a Physician.
And to some I am an entrepreneur and business owner.
While all of those things are true and I am very proud of those accolades and achievements, they are just titles.
To me..
I am Kirk.
Each one of those accomplishments and endeavors were made possible and fueled by my unrelenting desire to serve and help others.
My heart is to GIVE.
When I look back to the beginnings of Sleep Remedy, it was no different.
I didn’t set out to create a supplement for profit.
I witnessed the struggles my brothers in the SEAL Teams were facing in regards to their sleep schedules and deprivation due to their erratic lifestyles and rigorous training. It’s the price of being ELITE.
However, that price can sometimes be detrimental not only to health parameters, but also performance.
I wanted to help.
So I set out on creating a product that would do just that. To improve their sleep, quality of life, and performance. The need was evident so I researched and developed an ELITE formula that would address all of these areas.
But I didn’t want it to be like every other sleep supplement or medication already on the market. Again, it was all out helping people, not to make a buck off of someone’s suffering.
I wanted to create something to attack the underlying issues rather than treat the symptoms. I wanted to restore their sleep, overall health, and performance by giving them something that works with their body and not against it.
These men were weapons but were missing some bullets and we never want to go into battle half armed.
The formula I created solved that problem for countless SEALs. I had created an ELITE formulation that reloaded the missing natural ingredients (or bullets if you will) to have them fully locked and loaded to get the best sleep of their lives and able to perform at the highest level.
It was a success and I KNEW I had to get this product to the masses. As a physician, I treated countless patients who were having many of the same issues with their sleep. From the First Responder, the healthcare worker, the shift worker, and the everyday Mom and Dad. So many were having the same problems. Maybe not on the battlefield of war, but their own battlefields with all the stresses of life and the demand placed on each of them.
Everyone could benefit and everyone deserves help when in need. When I took the Hippocratic Oath, I meant it. That, in combination with my desire to help others, drove me to make this product public.
And that brings us to where we are today. Sleep Remedy has helped thousands of people and this holiday season I would like to help as many more as possible, but I need your help…
So this holiday season, as usual, I will be sharing my knowledge with helpful tips and information to help improve your quality of sleep and overall health in hopes to make a positive impact in your life.
Helping others is our duty and we need more of it.
What better time than this holiday season to help one another and give the gift of better sleep and better health to our friends and family by sharing the information you are learning or sharing Sleep Remedy.
Kirk Parsley, MD